Author: Claude Smith
Birth: 1944
- Lapping America -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Meditations After the Bear Feast: Teh Poetic Dialogues of N. Scott Momaday and Yuri Vaella -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Ohio Outback: Learning to Love the Great Black Swamp -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Quarter-Acre of Heartache -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Red Men in Red Square -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- The Cow and the Elephant -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- The Gull that Lost the Sea -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- The Stratford Devil -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- The Way of Kinship: An Anthology of Native Siberian Literature -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID: