Author: Liz Waldner
Birth: 1956-12-19
- A Point is That Which has no Point -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Dark Would (the missing person) -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Etym(bi)ology -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Her Unfaithfulness -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Homing Devices -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Play -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Saving the Appearances -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Self and Simulacra -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Trust -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID: