Author: Robert Dana
- A Community of Writers -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- A Community of Writers, Paul Engle and the Iowa WW -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Against the Grain: Interviews With Maverick Americ -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Hello, Stranger: Beach Poems -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- In a Fugitive Season -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- New and Selected Poems, 1955-2010 -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Paris on the Flats -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Starting Out for the Difficult World -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Summer -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- The Morning of the Red Admirals -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- The Other -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- The Power of the Visible -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- What I Think I Know -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID:
- Yes Everything -- ASIN: ISBN: ISBN13: OLID: